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As a woman who wants her wealth to grow, it can sometimes be exhausting to not see any powerful and successful wealth blogs run by women as examples to me. In this day and age most people are aware of the impact representation can have.

Throughout history women have fought for their rights and have had to prove their capability of handling anything a man can. Which is why it is incredibly refreshing and inspiring to see a woman I can feel some connection to talking about financial success.

It is also incredibly important to uplift and support these women. We are all on the same team, and it is heartwarming to see women helping other women by sharing their knowledge, insight, and tips. For free as well!

All of these wealth blogs and financial resources are 100% free to access. Whether you like reading, listening, or watching information, there are some fabulous creatives for you to check out in this post.

Wealth Blogs

Tori Dunlap, the woman who also runs the financial feminist podcast, shares her experience and knowledge on finance abundantly on the internet. She advocates for a world in which women fight the patriarchy with their financial independence. In this world, money = power, and Tori’s goal is to get more of it in the hands of all women.


Tori has also written a bestselling book called “Financial Feminist”. As well as her incredibly popular podcast with the same title.


The main categories on her website for the bog are debt, saving, wealth, career, business, and travel. If any of those topics interest you, Check out the blog!

Katie Gatti Tassin is the woman who started “Money With Katie”. She has created amazing financial independence and stability using the things she has learned about finance, and is determined to share that knowledge with others. She also has a YouTube channel and a podcast under the same name.

On the Money With Katie Blog, the articles are not organized into consistent specific categories. The ones that seem to show up most frequently are spending habits, productivity, career, financial psychology, investing, taxes, early retirement, and pretty much anything under the umbrella of finance!

The founder of Girls Who Invest, Seema R. Hingorani, has 28 years of investing experience. She has won many awards and gained recognition as an extremely influential woman in finance. There is an extensive amount of information on the plethora of her experience here.

There are no distinct categories on the blog. The posts are mostly comprised of individual women and their own experiences. It’s more lifestyle and inspiration leaning rather than financial nitty-gritty posts.

Erin Gobler has a personal finance blog and also does freelance writing if that is something you are interested in!


She has a lot of helpful content and money tools on her website. Her wealth blog topics include things like budgeting, credit, and debt, as well as advice for finance planning as a couple!

Wealth YouTube Channels

Codie Sanchez has a lot of videos on her channel about business. She is definitely the kind of girl with a go-and-get-it, money-is-power mindset. 


She does a lot of videos on creative ways to make money and how to work smarter, not harder.


She is an extremely successful business owner and has a lot of helpful knowledge on networking, entrepreneurship, and of course, finance.

Sara’s channel is also mostly about different income stream ideas (primarily online). A lot of her content is more catered to side hustles. She is a millionaire and shares her experience and methods for building wealth.


Her videos can be extremely helpful when it comes to having a certain money-making mindset and finding the right next project for you.

Rose Han has an amazing channel where she talks about her journey from being broke and struggling to financially secure and flourishing. She is all about having faith in yourself and being smart with money to create your ideal future.


Her videos are great especially if you are just getting started learning about money. She has such good energy on camera and has a lot of helpful and to-the-point advice.


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