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When going through these questions, really take your time and ponder each one. If it helps, writing down your thoughts can make these questions much more effective. 

Many of these questions are inspired by books such as 101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think, The 4 Hour Work Week, and The Law of Attraction. All of these books are fantastic reads and very much worth the time investment.

Questions From 101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think by Brianna Wiest

“What would be too good to believe if someone were to sit down and tell you what’s coming next in your life?”

“If you didn’t have to work anymore, what would you do with your days?”

“When you imagine the life you want, rather than focus on the elevator speech (“I am this, I do this…”), focus on the daily routine. If you had the life you think you want, what would you do tomorrow? How different would it be from what you’re doing now?” 

If you could choose five things that matter most to you, what would they be?

Questions From The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss

“What would you do if there were no way you could fail? If you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world?”

“How do your decisions change if retirement isn’t an option?” 

“What are the four dreams that would change it all?”

What is the biggest thing you wish you had more time for?

At what times and places do you feel most happy with who you are?

What are you willing to struggle/suffer for in life?

If you had to be outside of your house 24/7, What would you be doing 24/7?

What job would be your worst nightmare to have? Why?

What do you think of as “success”? What does it look like?

If you accomplished every one of your life goals, what would your next step be?

What do you like to daydream about during class/ work?

What would you pay to learn?

What makes you a nerd/ dork?

If you were able to create your own “perfect world”, what would it look like?

If your future self wrote a bestselling book, what would you most hope/ want for it to be about?

What are the most mundane things you get the most joy out of? When you take away the glamor and romanticization of your perfect life, what parts are still boring? When you finally get that dream car, Will you get fed up with washing it?


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