Table of Contents
In this post we will go over some crucial ways for you to cultivate a positive inner voice and enjoy life more fully. Through trial and error and practice, a positive mindset will become second nature with time.

Exploring Techniques & Finding What Clicks
On the internet, there are all sorts of tutorials, tips, and tricks for how to have a positive inner voice. The only way to find a practice that works for you is through trial and error. What works for one person may not work for another.
If you start trying an idea you saw on pinterest, but notice it isn’t actually doing much for your mental health, don’t give up! That is simply a sign to change course. Try figuring out why it may not have worked out, and what you can change to make it more suited to you.
Here are some ideas you could try if you don’t know where to start.
Using a Mirror
Feel comfortable looking in a mirror? Try saying affirmations while looking at your reflection. This practice can help promote self love and acceptance. Doing this in the mornings can help start your day off positively.

Writing It Down
Writing down affirmations can be a game changer especially when you are out and about and don’t feel comfortable hyping yourself up on a public bus. Typing on your phone in your notes app works just as well if you don’t want to carry around a notebook.
Physical reminders
Having an object that helps to ground you can be very beneficial if you get overwhelmed or start to spiral. It can be a special rock or a necklace or anything else that you can hold to calm you down.
The most important thing overall is to make it stick. Find a way to practice at almost any time. Instead of only thinking, have another way to make those positive thoughts more powerful. Let your mind stay on them whether it is writing, talking, feeling, or any other technique that works for you.
Practice With Patience
When making any sort of change in habits, it can be understandably frustrating when our expectations of progress are not met. Changing our immediate subconscious thoughts is an even tougher battle than we may realize, however it is not impossible.
Remember that progress is not linear. If you get distracted or spiral, remember that every baby step counts and it is never too late to try again.
Internalize the idea that absolutely anything can be improved greatly with practice. The more you practice techniques and affirmations for a positive inner voice that work for you, the more naturally they will flow.
This habit does not have to be scheduled at a specific time. It can simply be something you instantly go to whenever you recognize harmful negative thoughts in your mind.
Meditation has a huge amount of benefits, which you most likely have already heard constantly from anyone and everyone all of the time.
It is generally understood that meditate = happy brain (+ possible inability to shut up about how everyone should meditate)
If you aren’t someone who has enjoyed and naturally “succeeds” at meditation, This blog post could really help you out.
Just like how there are multiple different ways to practice positive thinking, meditation does not have to be as rigid as people think. So consider giving it a try if you don’t already do it!
Reframing Thoughts
In the book “The Law of Attraction” by Esther and Jerry Hicks, one of the most important techniques to manifest what you want and live with a more positive inner voice is to rephrase your thoughts.
It is a matter of changing what you DON’T want into what you DO want. Instead of saying “I have a crummy car” you could say “I’d love a new car” or “I am so excited to have a new car”.
It may feel silly at first, but it truly does make a difference. Plus it promotes the idea that things can always get better, and growth is simply a matter of time.
We’ve all heard the categorizations of pessimism vs optimism through the example of a glass being half full or half empty.
The glass has the same amount either way, so it simply depends on how you choose to view it. There is no point in deciding to be bummed about something when you could at least try having a perspective of gratitude.
Your mind is the decider of your reality. It is easier said than done to “just be positive”. We all know it takes more than simply flipping a switch. However the more we try and practice the easier it will be to simply decide to be positive.

Adjusting Your Overall Mindset
It can be difficult to be kind to yourself if your life views are rigid and judgmental.
Do you base how much a person is worth based on their productivity? Or possibly how much they sacrifice themselves for others?
If you do, know that it doesn’t have to be that way.
Think critically about why you think that way in the first place, and entertain the idea that it could be wrong. We are often conditioned to have these perspectives from being told them by others throughout our lives.
Ask yourself if you are willing to live your life in unhappiness simply because you think you should.
These questions may be hard, but it cannot be stressed how crucial they are in allowing you to blossom into a better, happier version of yourself.
We suffer more in our minds than we need to. We are accustomed to worrying over things that won’t happen, needlessly ruminating on unpleasant moments, and projecting assumptions onto others.
If you start to question that negativity, and understand your thoughts are simply thoughts – not reality – you can begin to shift your focus to a brighter outlook.
A positive inner voice is well worth the effort and can completely transform how you live your life.
Feeling Without Judgment
A big problem many people face is seeing certain emotions as “bad”, and that they should be avoided at all costs.
This post is about thinking positively, but above all the goal is balance and inner stability. It is okay to feel sad and be upset about things, the goal is to avoid frequent spiraling and a constant depressive outlook on life.
You are human. No emotions are inherently bad. They are simply tools to help you. Listen to your body and your feelings. Acknowledge them and practice being your own therapist and support.
The more you are able to truly feel and work through whatever you need to, the easier it will be to recover faster.
Life moves in waves.
Taking Breaks
If you aren’t being kind to yourself physically you probably won’t have much luck mentally. Your body needs breaks just as much as your mind does.
It is important to care for yourself in as many ways as you are able to. You deserve to be cared for and loved, and you are entirely capable of self-sufficiently doing so. It simply needs to be practiced.
Make sure to properly give yourself mental breaks. Many people “take breaks” by staring at their phones, but as you may know, that really does the opposite of letting your mind rest.
Try listening to some relaxing music, taking a nap, writing, drawing, or any other relaxing activity that allows your mind to rest.
We all have regrets and things we aren’t proud of. Holding onto our past mistakes and clinging to self hatred unsurprisingly makes it difficult to grow into someone we are proud to be.
Like most things, it is easier said than done to just forgive yourself. It is a process. But just like everything else in this post, it is a process well worth undertaking.
Therapy could also help with this. If you aren’t already doing so, investing in yourself and your well being by trying therapy can be life changing!