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spiritual manifestation

Spiritual manifestation is something that looks a bit different for everyone. The Dos and don’ts in this post are helpful tips for anyone starting with spiritual manifestation or wanting to learn more!


Do: Think Critically on Your Desires

When thinking about the things you’d like to manifest, ask yourself the following questions.

  • Why do you want it? Are you sure that is what you want? 
  • Does it stem from craving external validation?
  • Is there cognitive dissonance in your opinions? (for example: do you want to be wealthy, but see money as evil or financially stable people as excessively greedy?)


It is incredibly important to ensure our desires will be genuinely beneficial to us. It can be easy to romanticize an idea we have without fully understanding the possible pitfalls of it.


Wanting a superficial ideal that goes against your other main values isn’t likely to come true or be fulfilling anyways. Make sure you take the time to ponder each of these questions and any others you feel the need to ask yourself.


When you are certain the goal is something that will be worth it, it will be much easier to manifest.

Do: Visualize & Feel

Think about how the thing you want looks and feels. Put yourself there mentally as much as you can and really allow yourself to feel the positive emotions associated with it.


Get as detailed as possible. A classic way to visualize is through vision boards! Here are a couple posts on that topic if you’d like to learn more about it.

Practice affirmations to assure yourself that you already have what you want. It is on its way. You have asked, will receive, and can rest easy knowing as long as you do your best to align with it, it will come to you.

Do: Align Your Mind & Lifestyle to Your Desires

If you are trying to manifest a healthy body, or financial freedom, or a peaceful lifestyle, you need to take steps to allow that thing to become reality. 


If you want a peaceful life, but are constantly finding excuses to be busy and can’t say no to stressful activities, it will be very difficult for that peaceful lifestyle to come to fruition. You still have responsibility to make your dreams a reality, and you cannot forget that you have incredible power in your actions.


If you desire a thriving career, taking steps to network and improve your skills make it easy for you to get what you want faster. Doing this will give you the confidence you need to accept opportunities that come your way.

Do: Let Go of Your Current Reality & Lifestyle

If you want transformation to happen in your life, you must make peace with the idea that your life will change. Change can be scary, even if it is positive.


Practice affirmations and meditation specifically for letting go and finding acceptance with the flow of life. 


The process is very much worth it, and will bring you great peace.

Do: Practice Shifting Your Thoughts

It is common for people to have excessive automatic negative thoughts. While being instinctively negative isn’t your fault, learning how to challenge, redirect, and heal these thoughts can make a world of difference in your spiritual manifestation and mental health.


The goal is to use your thoughts to shift your feelings on a topic. For example, instead of: “I hate the cold weather, it always makes me depressed and tired” you could try altering it to “I am so excited for the warm weather to return. I’ll be sure to really appreciate it when I’m out in the sun again. At least I get to see the beauty that comes with this season.”


It might not be that drastic of a switch, but soon enough your automatic negative thoughts will be replaced with grateful and hopeful ones.


Like anything else on the internet, there are aspects and misconceptions about manifestation that can be damaging. Here are some things that are not necessary in manifestation and could even hurt your progress.

Don’t: Believe That Happiness is a Finish Line

Whatever you are manifesting, avoid having the belief that it will make you or your life perfect. Try not to put your desires and goals on too big of a pedestal.


No matter how good life gets, you will always be human, you will always experience hard days and negative emotions.


There will always be new goals to strive for after each milestone. If you believe your life will be complete once you have that certain thing, you are setting yourself up for disappointment and confusion once it actually gets to you.


Don’t put off happiness for later. Manifestation is so much more powerful when you begin with the mindset that you already have enough.

Don’t: Cling to Your Desire, or the Timing of it

One of the most crucial parts of successful spiritual manifestation is having total trust in the universe to bring you what you need exactly when you need it.


If you are overly obsessed and stressed over what you want, you are doing two things.

  1. You are associating that want with negativity, and are coming from a place of lacking.
  2. You will settle for less because of your desperation, and can even create a cycle of scarcity. (this is when the trigger of stress on a situation makes it worse. For example stress about skin causing breakouts, or stress about money causing you to cope through online shopping)


Spiritual manifestation will not work if you are doing these things. This can be the most difficult part about manifesting. It isn’t easy to just “chill out”. 


If you struggle with anxiety or other mental health issues making this step especially challenging, seeing a therapist or medical professional is a great investment in your well-being. 


Your life is not supposed to look exactly like anyone else’s. 


The most important thing to remember is that this takes time, and progress is not linear. You will not wake up a new person after three affirmations, but the 1% improvements will compound into something extraordinary. Give yourself breaks and don’t give up.

Don’t: Give Up

If you have been manifesting something, and are frustrated that it hasn’t happened yet, this is a reminder that there is still time and it is still on its way if you keep trying and learning.


You may feel like you are ready for it, you are doing everything right, and that you deserve it. And all of those things could be very true. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t necessarily mean you are doing something wrong.


It is okay to be frustrated and feel your feelings. You don’t have to be in a state of enlightenment 24/7. 


When these times do happen, try your best to remember that this too shall pass and you never know how soon it could get better. 


It can also be nice to research successful people’s backstories, such as actors, on their past struggles. Find one that resonates with you, and use it as fuel to keep going.

Don’t: Feel the Need to Buy Things

A lot of people on the internet like to advertise products that will give you exactly what you want overnight. 


Let’s make it very clear: you DO NOT have to buy ANYTHING to successfully spiritually manifest!


Manifestation is all about the mind, you don’t need anything for it except yourself. 

It is your choice if you want to try out crystals or cards or anything else, but you do not have to do this. If having something special helps you feel sure that you are manifesting successfully, go for it!

Don’t: Go Off the Deep End

It is also easy for people to dive into new concepts if they get excited about them. In books and other content about manifestation, there are many extreme examples of people winning big prizes or getting extremely lucky in a high risk scenario. 


Manifestation is not about believing the universe will deliver you 2 million dollars every time you gamble at the casino, or thinking that the car you have always wanted will just appear in your driveway one morning.


Spiritual manifestation is about connecting with yourself and the universe (or God, the divine, spirits, etc), and understanding that you have a relationship with that divine energy. The universe loves and wants what is best for you. You have the ability to ask and attract.

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